miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

important message: don't throw your old sneakers

last day  i was looking at The Blonde Salad blog and I saw this post so I think in an amazing idea to recycle the old sneakers that I don't use anymore, even if they are old and wasted you can add to them some studs, you can even cover the whole shoe .
el otro dia estuve chekeando el blog The Blonde Salad y vi una foto de Chiarra con unos sneakers y se me ocurrio una idea para reciclarlos, aun si estan viejkos y gastados puedes añadirles unas tachuelas o incluso cubrir todo el zapato. 

I love her style, elegant or just simple as this she always looks cute, this is a good outfit weekend when all you have in your head is just being comfortable.

3 comentarios:

  1. I love studs and would love to have that sneakers with that metal things on it! hola guapa, yo soy de Barcelona, creo que Latina como tu!:-) encantada de que estemos en contacto por aqui y por Fashiolista.

  2. thanks for watching my blog, and for your comments really appreciated it, if you want to follow each others blogs i would love to know your opinion about fashion... kisses and hugs SARAI

  3. hi your blog it's interesting and i like it, could be better if you take the risk to use more colors, or instead of white use neutrals as beige, but you have style, and potential, so i'm following your blog , i would appreciate if you follow mine and give me your opinion ... kisses and hugs
